

Country Information: Madagascar’s capital is Antananarivo and the official languages are Malagasy and French. About 26 million people live here. Over half of the population is estimated to have traditional religious beliefs, with the rest being Christian and a...


Sphinx in Egypt, 1995 on a father and son tripJim & Kenan 2021, on a father and son trip Abu Simbel near the Sudan border Country Background: The capital of Egypt is Cairo, though there are currently existing plans to build a new capital. About 100 million people...


This girl was staring at me … they OBVIOUSLY don’t get many tourists here! Country Information:  15 million people live in Chad and the capital is N’Djamena. The primary languages are French and Arabic, though Chad is called the “Babel Tower of the world”...


Helsinki, Finland: Jim and Susan in 1992, sitting at the statue & flowers in front of the White Cathedral Country Information: Finland gained independence in 1917. The capital is Helsinki. About 5.5 million people live here and the official language is Finnish...


In tropical Samoa (known as Western Samoa until 1997), founded on New Year’s Day in 1962. About 191,000 people live here (2013), and the official languages are English and Samoan. Most Samoans are Christian, Catholic, or some other Christian denomination. Its main...