
Country Information:  The capital of Gambia is Banjul. There are approximately 2.5 million people living here. The official language of Gambia is English. The majority of Gambians practice Islam.  Major exports of Gambia are peanut products, fish, cotton, and palm kernels.

Jim’s Perspectives:  After traveling to 139 countries, I’ll always remember my 140th the Gambia. Why? Because in 2017, I was accused of “carrying drugs” in my suitcase (and having my bag searched) and then afterwards was shook down for my Visa on Arrival in a back room in Customs. My passport was confiscated by border patrol. An official whispered to give him $70 USD, I countered with $28 … and he became irritated and I then countered with $60 and he relented … slipped the cash into his pocket and then stamped my passport.

I drove through Banjul, a nondescript and lifeless town, existing only because its where the Gambian River meets the Atlantic. However, Gambia is best known for being a tourist destination, as European flock there during the winter months to stay in lovely beachfront resorts. The nicest of the resorts is the “Coco Beach”, which reminded me of some nice Jamaican resorts.

When visiting, check out the Four Wheel Drive Adventure a tour popular for tourists to get to know the country’s schools, villages, and distilleries. Also of interest is the Abuko Nature Reserve home to monkeys, crocodiles, and 300 species of birds just to name a few. For those who want to take home souvenirs of their journey, Albert Market is known for its traditional crafts, cloths, and jewelry.



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