
I have been to Jamaica many times over the years, the first time in 1985 as a college student. I organized the air, hotel and transfers to the Blue Harbor hotel and this was the beginning of my travel business. Below is a photo of my friends and me on the beach in Negril (I’m the furthest on the right in second row, getting my flex on, lol).

Afterwards, my company began selling trips to Montego Bay and Negril … and I loved going to Negril back in the 1980s-90s because it was a small fishing village and mostly unspoiled by tourists. I have fond memories of watching sunsets at Rick’s Café and jumping off the rocks into the water below. I have not-so-fond memories of getting very, extremely, mind-numbingly sick from eating street food in Negril … curried goat from a Rastafarian. I should’ve known better, and this experience soured me on street food for the rest of my life.

In 2018, I again traveled to Jamaica, this time with some good friends. Is there a country on the planet (besides Switzerland) that has so much natural beauty?!) Taking a rest between rounds to just chill out under a spectacularly beautiful tree.

This Steinbeck saying (in the airport) pretty much sums up any trip to Jamaica:


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Have been to the Bahamas more than any other country ... probably 50-75 times! In 1987, I started a travel business specializing in group tours to the Caribbean and Freeport, Bahamas was our primary destination. We contracted with Discovery Cruise Lines and brought...