
Beautiful Tivoli Gardens in Sweden, 1992

Country Information:

The capital city of Sweden is Stockholm. Approximately 10 million Swedes live here, and the official language is Swedish, but Saami and Finnish are also spoken. The majority of the population practices Lutheran Christianity.

Sweden is the largest of the Nordic countries, measuring at slightly larger than California. Another fun fact is that Sweden and Switzerland are the only two European countries that have not been at war since 1815.

Jim’s Perspectives:

I have been to Sweden twice, once with the family while on a Royal Caribbean Cruise through the region.

We visited Visby, one of the best preserved medieval cities in Scandinavia. This ancient city on the west coast on the island of Gotland under Swedish territory has been designated an UNESCO World Heritage site, since 1995. Amazing that this city may have had people living there since the Stone Age!

Riding bikes in Visby, Sweden


Downtown Stockholm


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