The Côte d’Ivoire, or the Ivory Coast is beautiful! About 22.7 million people live here (2015) and the capital is Yamoussoukro. The Côte d’Ivoire is a religiously secular country, with roughly equal split between Islamic and Christian followers. The...
Kongo enjoying his favorite food … onions! (2018) Country Information: The capital of Congo is Brazzaville. There are approximately 6 million people living here. The official language of Congo is French, with Lingala and Monokutuba as major trade languages and...
Country Information: The capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo is Kinshasa. There are approximately 82 million people living here. The official language of the DRC is French with Lingala as a widespread trade language. The majority of Congolese practice Roman...
Lake Assal, the lowest point in all of Africa Country Information: The capital is also Djibouti. About 900,000 people live here and the official languages are French and Arabic. Islam is the dominant religion. The time zone is 7 hours ahead of EST. Jim’s...
One of many beautiful waterfalls in Equatorial Guinea Country Information: Fun fact about Equatorial Guinea: its name is derived from its proximity to the equator and the Gulf of Guinea. Capital is Malabo, and there are ~ 1.4 million people living here. The official...
Country Information: Eritrea stands for “Red” due to its proximity to the Red Sea. The capital is Asmara, and 6 million people live here. Main languages are Tigrinya and Arabic, followed by Tigre. In the country’s more commercial cities, more English speakers can be...