UNC Children’s Hospital

The UNC Children’s Hospital is truly a remarkable place. We are fortunate to have such a world-class hospital here in Chapel Hill, with such wonderful physicians and staff living in and contributing so much to our community.

UNC Health Care employees 7,964 people and serves 70,000 children every year from all of North Carolina’s 100 counties.

This is the 4th year in a row that the NC Children’s Hospital attained the highest ranking of any children’s hospital in the state. Dr. Alan Stiles is very proud of that fact.

During my visit, I was able to:

  • Tour the hospital, including the new pediatric intensive care units
  • Hear why some new UNC physicians chose to work at this hospital,
  • Meet some of UNC’s finest specialists who taught me how to –
    • Assess a baby’s vitals
    • Administer CPR on an infant
    • Properly intubate a baby

I was also able to speak with Dr. Stiles about the implications of health care reform and its effects on the Hospital’s finances. Overall it was an eye-opening and informative experience.

St. Lucia

Country Information: St. Lucia is a volcanic and mountainous Caribbean Island between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. The capital of St. Lucia is Castries. There are approximately 164,464 people living here. The official language of St. Lucia is...

Marshall Islands

The world travelers ahead of me said that the Marshall Islands were a dump, however, I loved my time here in 2016. I arrived and took a $5 taxi ride from the airport to the center of downtown Majuro. From end-to-end Majuro is 35 miles long and on average is about 100...


Typical street scape in Guinea Country Background: The capital is Conakry and the official language is French. About 14 million people live here and the main religion is Islam, though there is a small Christian population. Guinea’s top exports are gold, aluminum ore,...