St. Lucia

Country Information:

St. Lucia is a volcanic and mountainous Caribbean Island between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. The capital of St. Lucia is Castries. There are approximately 164,464 people living here. The official language of St. Lucia is English, but a majority of the population also speaks French patrois and practice Roman Catholicism. Major exports of St. Lucia include bananas, clothing, cocoa, avocados, mangoes, and coconut oil.

Jim’s Perspectives:

St. Lucia is one of those ideal Caribbean honeymoon destinations.

They have beautiful beaches … (click on the pic below and see how perfect this beach is)

Here’s another … in case you don’t believe me:

What else can you do in St. Lucia besides hang out poolside or swim in the ocean? You could hike the cleared trails of the Piton Mountains, find secluded waterfalls, check out its drive-through volcano, watersports galore, and explore this beautiful island!

Note: The area around the (SVD) airport is preferable to the area around the St. Lucia (SLU) airport. In 2016, I stayed in the Rodney Bay area, which wasn’t wonderful. When I return to St. Lucia I’ll fly into SVD and stay at one of the nice all-inclusive resorts.


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